Physical & Psychological Safety
Humans are complex. Add them to a work environment that has its own complexities and many challenges present. BLMC have a holistic and systematic approach to WHS. We also assist when people don’t work well, and things don’t go to plan or go wrong.
We are only a phone call or email away and have the following services available to begin the journey of your people working well:
- WHS Audits and Gap analysis
- Inspections (regular or for purpose including project based)
- Psychological Safety surveys / assessments and training
- Psychosocial workplace assessments, programs and training
- Systems and documentation analysis, development, and improvement
- Mental Health triage and support within workplaces
- Mental Health analysis, system development, training, and support
- Mental Health First Aid Course
- Health and Safety Representative Training
- Risk Management planning, reviews, assessments, reports, and training (Strategic and Operational).
- Manual Handling and Ergonomic assessments and training
- Investigations (incidents, bullying and conflict) including training
- Due Diligence and Legislative obligations gaps analysis and training
- Drug and Alcohol testing and training
- Occupational Violence audits/reviews, system development and training
- Contact officer and Respectful Behaviour (Discrimination, harassment, and bullying) training
Please contact Bjelkie on 0402 009 269 or to enquire about Physical and Psychological Safety services.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
2 Day Nationally Accredited Training Course
Suitable for anyone needing to identify flags and issues with people’s mental health, respond appropriately and support when necessary. A two day nationally accredited training course developed by Mental Health First Aid Australia.
Over a million people have been trained on this course and it is a great base to benefit from early intervention and evidence-based response to mental health.
This course is offered as a public course open to clients or as an inhouse course for your workplace.
Mental Health for staff (inc. occupational violence if required for customer service staff)
Training Program
Life is challenging. This mental health session explores mental health definitions, stress, responses, strategies to respond and self-care. If requested, occupational violence response and strategies can be incorporated.
The course is shorter for general staff i.e. 2 hours and longer for those staff having responsibilities for others i.e. team leaders, supervisors and managers.
Psychological Safety at work
Training Program
Psychological safety is the core to unlocking inclusion, innovation and improvement.
“Psychological safety is the belief that no one will be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes”
Dr Amy Edmonson
If you can change the nature of conversations and approach in your teams, the quality of your outcomes increases exponentially.
Instant change isn’t always possible but the change in most people after completing the first session and survey certainly is impressive. Debriefing, action planning and following up sessions are program elements that have seen immediate and sustained improvements for our clients.
People certainly work well if they embrace and action the concepts of psychological safety. The multitudes of benefits that this brings to our clients businesses is tangible and sustained.